Friday, March 30, 2012

Helping your older child adjust to the new baby

  • "Helping your older child adjust to the new baby"
  • Workshop on May 15 at
  • Yorkville Tower, 1623 third Avenue, ste. 202. 
  • Call Meri to register, 917-359-3744.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Raising a Happy Co-operative Child

Blog one: Getting Your Child to Listen

Dear Meri:

Our two year old son looked us in the eye,climbed up on the sofa and started jumping, while we repeatedly tell him not to. When he behaves like this, what should we do?

–Signed frustrated parents

All parents are upset when their child blatantly disregards their rules. “Have we failed as parents? Is he going to be a juvenile delinquent?”, parents in my workshops and coaching sessions will ask me.

I reassure you that in situations such as these, there is nothing wrong with  your little fellow. He is simply acting out some natural developmental issues. Once you understand these issues and work with them effectively, you can gain the co-operation you are looking for.

Young children function according to the pleasure principle. Bouncing in the air on a soft cushioned couch is thrilling. It's much more fun than being a good listener at this age. Similarly children find racing down the street too much fun to easily abandon.

At this age, another issue that causes kids to misbehave, is that young children have little control over their impulses.  When they want something they want it now. That's why your child will take a bag of potato chips off the shelf in the supermarket even though you have warned her not to touch anything. Her wishes are urgent and having those chips feels like life and death to her. So she will go for it, even if it means incurring your wrath.